At the end of each year, we carry out an overview of best practices and trends for the coming year in all areas: e-commerce, marketing, SEO, SEA, social media… Today, the tool creation website shares with us 10 major trends in the e-commerce sector for 2023, based on figures analyzed from its customer e-commerce sites.For the coming year, e-merchants will have every interest in increasing their services and channels to meet consumer expectations. They will also have to redouble their efforts in terms of content: storytelling, reassurance elements, etc.

1- Multiply payment solutions

Paying by credit card remains the most popular means of payment, but consumers are increasingly using online payment solutions. It is therefore recommended to multiply the means of payment on your e-commerce site: credit card, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Amazon Pay, PayPlug, Stripe, Paybox, etc. It is also relevant to offer payment in several installments for more expensive purchases.Key figures to remember: + 3% conversion rate via Stripe, Paypal, Paybox

2- Offer to buy without creating an account

Time is precious, consumers want fast shopping more than ever. For online shoppers, creating an account to make a purchase is experienced as a tedious step. This obligation to create an account generates frustration and promotes cart abandonment. This is why e-merchants have every interest in offering a purchase option without creating an account to increase their conversions.

3- Opt for click and collect

With the successive confinements linked to the context of the health crisis, click and collect is now part of consumption habits. It is recommended for e-merchants who have a physical store, to set up this mode of purchase. The advantage for customers: they do not pay delivery costs and can collect their packages whenever they want.

4- Multiply delivery methods

It is necessary to provide several delivery methods. In particular, this allows consumers to choose whether to pay less for delivery to a relay point or, on the contrary, to pay more to be delivered more quickly. To optimize parcel shipments, e-commerce site owners can rely on parcel shipping service comparators such as TCS.

5- Use storytelling and focus on authenticity

Know-how, brand values, product origins… Consumers need authenticity more than ever. To differentiate yourself from competitors, it is essential to tell a “true story”, without lies, without artifice, around your brand and its products. It is important to take care of your product sheets with authentic visuals (no photos from the image bank!) And detailed descriptions of the products (origins, manufacturing method, materials, eco-responsibility, etc.) to allow your visitors to understand the values ​​of your brand, or your products.

6- Strengthen the elements of reinsurance

Many elements must be present on your site to reassure visitors and potential customers on your e-commerce site. These are called the elements of reinsurance. You must ensure that all these elements are present on your online store: contact information, payment terms, delivery methods, and associated costs, return and refund conditions, customer reviews, details concerning the use of personal data, legal notices and T & Cs, trust labels, information on the origin of products, etc.

7- Take advantage of marketplaces

Selling your products on your e-commerce site is good. Multiplying the distribution channels is better. To develop your sales, it is important to look at the marketplaces which for some, generate thousands, even millions of visits per month, which gives you significant gain visibility. You can rely on well-known general marketplaces such as Amazon but also more specialized marketplaces depending on your sector. Omnichannel is becoming essential and it is important to integrate it into your commercial strategy. On CMS there are modules to create your product catalog and easily integrate it into the desired marketplaces.

8- Think about social commerce

Another sales channel to exploit: social networks. It may be interesting to set up actions on social platforms like Facebook or Instagram: the creation of social ads campaigns, posting of publications with authentic visuals, launching of influencer marketing campaigns by making partnerships with influencers that correspond to the values ​​of your brand, live shopping sessions, etc. It should be noted that social networks are developing more and more e-commerce functions for brands, everything is now being done to facilitate the shopping experience.

9- Promote integrations and automations

Integrations and automation will save e-merchants a considerable amount of time. It is important to take advantage of integrations to link the applications you use daily to your e-commerce platform such as your CRM, your emailing solution, your analytics tool, your instant messaging … Certain e-commerce sites rely in particular on webhooks to trigger an action following an event. For example, if a person subscribes to your newsletter, the data will pass through a webhook and will be automatically added to your emailing contact list. The automation of tasks is now accessible without technical skills and becomes a real asset for the companies that use it.

10- Train to stay competitive

Finally, with the acceleration of digitization, the need for training is growing. Many specificities, rules, and codes need to be known to manage an e-commerce site. The e-merchants who will pull the pinout of their game are those who will continue to be trained daily. Different formats are popping up on the web to help you stay up to date in your field: webinars, podcasts, videos, certifications, blog articles… It’s up to you!