Digital Marketing Agency Lahore

Digital Marketing: what it Is and how it works

Digital Marketing

Do you know the phrase: “Who does not know where they are going, any bus will do”? In Digital Marketing it happens: if you don’t know what it is and how it works, you don’t know what sense it makes for your business.

Fortunately for good growth in your company, today we are in this Blog and we are going to talk about Digital Marketing: what is it and how does it work? 

I will explain the most used strategies and channels and some examples so that you understand them better.

What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital Marketing is the set of strategies aimed at promoting your brand, company, or business on the Internet. It differs from traditional marketing because it includes digital channels and methods that allow the analysis of results in real-time.

It is very common for us to look for products or services that we want on the internet, either to find the best prices (when we already know what we want), to find information about a certain product or service (when we are still studying the possibility of buying it) or even to discover more about a problem we have (when we still don’t know what solution will help us).

We call all of this Digital Marketing: a set of actions that can be done in various digital media with the aim of promoting companies and products.

And why Digital Marketing?

After the globalization and economic acceleration that Latin America has had, it is very common to see that digital marketing is a very new and fresh asset for decision-making in companies. 

It would then be obvious to say that you do need digital marketing because it will help you increase your reach in the market, in my opinion, it is better that we review some figures that will help you take the momentum that your business needs: 

  • 3 million advertisers use Facebook Ads to reach their consumers.
  • Companies with a blog generate 67% more leads than those without.
  • 93% of purchase decisions are influenced by social networks.

It may interest you: How to Make Your Digital Marketing Strategy More Effective

How does digital marketing work?

We could affirm that Digital Marketing because it is such a macro and extensive discipline, has an enormous diversity of disciplines, strategies, and specific techniques. So there are countless ways to apply it. 

However, thanks to this large number of possibilities on how Digital Marketing works, we simplify the actions or channels in the following highlights because they are widely used: 


It means Search Engine Optimization. They are all the actions that you carry out so that the pages of your website appear in the first places of the search engines.


Search Engine Marketing. It is the use of advertisements in search engines. It differs from SEO because to appear in the results you must pay on platforms like Google Ads.

Social Ads

They are all paid ads that appear on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and Linkedin. It is a very effective channel because you can reach users based on their interests and affinity with your product.

Content marketing

It consists of creating content with valuable information for the different stages of your client’s purchasing journey.

Social media

It consists of building online communities through social networks. Remember that your brand should NOT be on all social networks. First, understand which of them your client is in and if you can offer them valuable content there.

Email Marketing

It is about a closer and more effective relationship with your audience. In this channel you can use a variety of formats: offers, newsletters, greeting cards, etc.; with great potential to get the right message to the right person at any stage of the purchase.

And this is the marketing action with the highest ROI (return on investment). For example, for every $1 you invest in digital email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. ( Source: )

Where to start?

Now that you know what Digital Marketing is and how it works, what do you think about putting it into practice? Here we summarize 6 steps by which you can start to create your first marketing plan:

1. Analyze the situation of your business or company: why do you need digital marketing?

2. Analyze your competition: what are they doing? What can you do better?

3. Define your objectives: what will you achieve through digital marketing?

4. Select key actions: which of the ones we saw can you start?

5. Measure your results constantly

6. Use a management tool in Digital Marketing ( RD Station, for example, would be very useful for you)

Muhammad Fahad

I'm Muhammad Fahad, a digital marketer with a successful track record in crafting and implementing effective online strategies. My expertise lies in developing and executing effective online strategies to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape.