Digital Marketing Agency Lahore

7 Indicators To Measure The User Experience On Their Website

User Experience

In recent years, digital has refocused on users and their satisfaction. Providing the best UX or user experience has become a challenge for marketing and sales departments. To adopt a good UX strategy, we give you the analysis indicators to follow.

UX or User experience of a site: what are we talking about?

User experience or UX ”  U ser e X perience” is a concept designating the overall impression and feelings of a user following his consumption of a product, a service, or an interface. The term is particularly used in the digital world to identify the appreciation of websites and software/applications by their visitors and users.

The most important elements of the user experience

Today, the performance of a website or application is no longer defined by the sponsor’s approval, but by the user’s satisfaction. This is increased when the site or the software meets these different criteria:

  • The design is coherent and the ergonomics are good (ex: association of colors which ensures the good readability of the text)
  • The information is clear, error-free, and from reliable sources (ex: testimonials, sources, company presentation page)
  • The use is easy, intuitive, and fun (ex: search bar, animations, catchy text, keywords)
  • The visitor can navigate from different media (eg, smartphone, computer, tablet)

Why is embarking on a UX approach essential? 

Surfing the net should always be a pleasant, surprising, and fun experience.

Internet users have little patience and many expectations: if they do not enjoy their visit to a website, the majority will not return. In the selection criteria, we know for example that 40% of users leave a site being loaded if they have to wait more than 3 seconds!

It is therefore imperative to optimize the various design parameters and the functionalities of your site, to avoid a harsh loss of traffic.

This is where the UX strategy comes in: if your visitors see their browsing needs met, they will spend more time on the site, will be more willing to talk about it with those around them, and will ultimately be more inclined to reach your customers.

UX design: mistakes to avoid

In defining your UX approach, your marketing and sales departments must know the most annoying elements for visitors, these black spots that scare them away:

  • Loading that exceeds a few seconds, especially on the home page;
  • Tedious reading of texts (small size, too wide columns, etc.);
  • Access to impractical tools (links too off-center, search bar too small);
  • A repetition of spelling, grammar, and factual errors;
  • Complex/draft navigation in the forms;
  • Access to information difficult.

The modifications to be made to your website will depend directly on the User eXperience. Thanks to a clear and precise analysis of the UX via a set of indicators. You can ensure your business has a clear improvement in your conversion rates!

7 indicators to follow to analyze the UX of your website

You know the ergonomic elements to favor and those to avoid for all Internet users. But to adapt the UX approach to your buyer personas, you must observe and measure their use of the site. By analyzing the KPIs (Key Performance Indicator), you will refine your strategy and your company will make the right choices in terms of UX design.

Number of page views

The figure most often used by companies to test the performance of their website is the overall number of visits: specify this measurement with the average number of pages viewed by each Internet user while browsing your site. The higher this number, the more it marks the interest of users.

Site speed

You know that your pages load can be a big incentive for your users to stay or leave. Knowing the speed of your website, or the loading time of each page, is essential to act on the less ergonomic elements.

Click-through rate / overall and per page

This rate is calculated from the number of clicks made on at least one area of ​​each page, compared to the number of displays of the same area. This data indicates the efficiency of the main elements of your website.

Click distribution

The distribution of clicks corresponds to the number of clicks on different areas of the same page. The analysis of this indicator informs you about the areas most appreciated by your visitors.

Conversion rate / overall and per page

The more the navigation of your potential customers ends up with an action desired by your company, the more your conversion rate is optimal (downloading a document, entering data on a form, purchasing a product). It is therefore an important criterion to take into account to optimize certain functionalities.

Dropout rate

Conversely, the number of users who left a process before it was finalized, or the abandonment rate, is an interesting indicator for targeting less performing journeys and elements.

Rebound rate

Likewise, the bounce rate is used to calculate the percentage of visitors who closed your site after viewing a page, and without having clicked. Above 50%, a bounce rate is considered bad.

Beyond these statistics, qualitative measurement can also enrich your UX strategy. This requires the use of dedicated sites and applications, such as online questionnaires or heatmaps, and the setting up of surveys and workshops to collect opinions and compare points of view.


Thinking your websites according to the user experience has not only become essential in order not to lose traffic, but it is above all a valuable asset for improving your conversion rates. The UX approach consists in analyzing the habits of your users during their navigation to anticipate their expectations. By adapting your UX design strategy and all of your ergonomics to their needs, you ensure real comfort for your visitors, and therefore the satisfaction of your digital interface.

Muhammad Fahad

I'm Muhammad Fahad, a digital marketer with a successful track record in crafting and implementing effective online strategies. My expertise lies in developing and executing effective online strategies to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape.