Content marketing has been one of the keywords headlights of 2021. We can expect in 2022 to see emerge a flood of Marketers who want to vary their net linking via the method of guest blogging. I remind you for those new to the subject, guest blogging consists of inviting yourself to another blog by offering its writing services or inviting a specialist in your topic so that he writes an article to your place. This type of process is generally subject to conditions established between the two parties. From now on, Google will target this type of practice more assiduously and it will be more and more difficult to benefit from it if no strategy is put in place upstream.

What is a good guest blogging platform?

  1. Look for platforms whose editorial content is close to what you are used to writing on your site. No need to target equivalent niche sites, however your article should bring added value to your readers.Check the site’s authority index through moz and PageRank to make sure the blog has good credibility. Dig deeper by trying to determine the site’s activity: frequency of visits, number of comments per article, number of shares on social networks, etc.Observe the site’s activity on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google +). If the site has good activity on at least one of these 3 platforms, this is an excellent selection criterion.Take a look at the comments to get an idea of ​​what the community of the site in question looks like and verify that it is not just spam.Pay attention to former site contributors. Are their articles or sites “spammy”?Ask yourself who is the author of the blog. Does he have a good reputation?See if the blog’s guideline is clearly defined or if there seems to be no editorial line.How often is the site published? Do not hesitate to also check the frequency of passage of the robots on the site.Does the site publish articles that it owns or does it only use guest bloggers?Is the “host” site looking for regular writers? Indeed, a serious site will make more lasting partnerships over time instead of calling on bloggers on ads base.Consider whether your audience would be likely to visit this blog.Review the site’s inbound links and see if its backlink profile looks natural.Target sites that do not have a particular interest in guest blogging. It’s more profitable since few of your competitors will be able to get a link from this type of platform.Write an article by targeting one of the keywords on which the site is well positioned. This will increase your chances of appearing in search results and reaching a larger audience. Be aware that to achieve this, you will need to provide more interesting information than the original article.Pay attention to the user experience and the interface of the “host” site. Indeed, today we consider that these are relevant positioning factors that the engines take into account in their calculation of the positioning of a page.Award an additional honor point if the partner site has received awards from reputable organizations.Start your search with queries like: “Top 10 blogs + [niche]”. This will lead you to sites with a strong reputation in the desired field.

What you should avoid

  1. Blogs that accept any content and only think about posting as often as possible, to the detriment of the quality of the articles.Blogs that don’t have a target audience.Sites that misuse advertising. This detracts from the user experience and is often proof of the poor quality of the site.Articles that target a different geographic area than yours (only if your audience is strictly defined geographically).Blogs that exclusively use external service providers.Sites that are “poor” from a design point of view, confusing in terms of structure and neglecting the user experience.Sites with missing contact information.Sites that have no social presence, unless it is voluntary and the site still enjoys a large audience.Blogs mainly followed by fake profiles or which call on fake “followers” ​​on twitter for example. Head over to their social profiles to see if they’re being followed by humans.Blogs that do not offer really interesting content, articles whose date has passed and on which it is impossible to react (no comments area or social buttons).Blogs that practice “duplicate content”, unless of course other sites copy them.Sites that have already been penalized before. Type the notoriety in the search engines to observe if the site appears at least on its brand.Blogs that are not regularly updated.Sites with domain names filled with keywords. The point is to qualify of course but it is better to privilege the sites which use their mark in the URL.Blogs that have no comments and are not shared by users.Sites that allow anyone to post an article on their site without going through manual validation.Blogs that take several months to post your article.